I am Andy Reynolds, a long-term practitioner of low-impact living, smallholder, author, forester, teacher, carpenter, builder. I’ve been working with Lowimpact.org since the early noughties, and I’d like to share my philosophy on self-reliance with you.
I’ve had a keen interest in self-reliance from an early age, realising that given a large enough lump of self-interest, a lot of people will dump you right in it, so to speak, with no more than a second thought. This is especially true in an age of global business, seeking ever-expanding profit, with investors only looking at the bottom line, thinking “To hell with the ethics I’ll be dead when the bill from the environment comes in”. If you add to that the fact that governments pander to whoever has the most cash to spend on their campaigns and who can tell the biggest lies, then relying on them is not a fantastic option.
Read more here.