Reviews and Giveaways
If you have a "green" product of any kind that you would like us to review I would be honored to do so. The same applies for any book dealing with green and environmental issues, gardening, food growing, smallholding and homesteading, forestry and woodland, etc.
This is anything related to green living, green technology, etc., that is to say from gardening (tools, plants, seeds, etc.), things for the home, waste reduction, recycling, etc., to renewable energy gadgets, and so forth. If in doubt email me and we see whether your products fits into the remit of this publication.
So, if your company or client is eco-friendly, eco-conscious or “green” and has a product, service, event, or deal of the decade, that you want to share with our readers we thank you for thinking of us and we would be delighted to have a look at it.
Please email us with the following information:
Product samples are required for reviews – no sample, no review – and should be sent free of charge, and if sent from abroad, not marked with any monetary value as, otherwise, UK Customs & Excise will charge for it. The latter will cause us to refuse receipt of goods and they then will be returned by the carrier services to you – more than likely incurring you costs.
Please understand that sending samples does not guarantee a review favorable or otherwise. All reviews that are done, whether favorable or not, will be published. Product samples will not be returned and become the property of the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW, its editors or the reviewer.
The readers of this online publication range from the ordinary consumer interested in buying environmentally friendly products, to activists, homesteaders, gardeners, public bodies, news media, small and large companies and educational institutions.
We do not take any compensation for testing a product and writing a review, in return for being allowed to keep the product that has been reviewed free of charge.
Reviews will be honest, thorough, well-written, done, as far as possible, in a timely manner. Book reviews can take a while due to the fact that it is our belief that, in order to review a book, one has to read it thoroughly.
Any product or book reviewed by and for the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW becomes property of Tatchipen Media and/or the reviewer. After the review is completed, therefore, we will then be allowed to gift/sell/trade any such product if it should be so desired. All reviews will be published, negative or positive; I owe that to my readers and my own integrity.
We are also happy to help any company or individual designer, etc. with Beta-testing green products before they come to the market – against a fee – giving a report to the company or individual concerned, under the understanding that we will be the first to be able, after, to review the product immediately after or just prior the official launch.
Giveaways are not required to accompany a review, but they are an excellent way to promote your product/company. To enter giveaways, readers will be asked to visit your website, "like" you on Facebook, Tweet, subscribe to newsletters, and/or blog about your company/product. These are all great ways to generate traffic on your site and increase your following. Giveaways typically run for a fortnight but can run longer, depending on the requirement of the client. Giveaways are the electronic online equivalents of the old cover mounts or other print magazine promotions.
A giveaway could be a physical product or promotional code. If you are giving away a product, the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW will collect mailing information from the winner and pass it on to you, and you will be responsible for shipping the prize. If you are giving away a promotional code, the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW will provide you with the winner's email address in order to send them the code.
General giveaways will be chargeable at a rate to be discussed as they are, after all, a means of promotion and advertising for your company and your product(s).
During the duration of the giveaway I would be happy to place your company's “button”, a small picture click-though link in the sidebar of the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW with no additional charge.
We shall be happy to let you have up-to-date stats for the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW, e.g. monthly unique visitors numbers and page views, Blog followers, Facebook followers, Twitter followers, etc. upon request.
If you have a product you feel would be appropriate for the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW, please email the Editor at
. We look forward to working with you!
This is another way to generate traffic for your website and interest in your company and we are also happy to host those.
As an example, if you are a seed company, or you have a seed company as a client, and you might wish us to do a promotion of some seeds for this or that vegetable range, and we would place a button in the sidebar. This would be a picture, say, of the seed packet with a link to the website where the readers can order then a sample for FREE or be able to buy at a reduced rate against a promotional code that they will quote and which will be under the picture link.
We would be most happy to discuss those possibilities and, as in all cases, come to an arrangement as to fees and costs.
If you have a product you feel would be appropriate to be promoted in such a way in the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW, please email the Editor at
. We look forward to working with you!
Product “Placements”
The term “product placement” here is a form of an embedded advert that is of a smaller and more subtle nature than that of a more or less blatant one within an article which, also, does have to be marked, theoretically, as one.
A product placement can be a simple link to the mentioned product within an article such as, for instance, if one would have an article about potato growing and -harvesting and would link to tools appropriate for this. The placement can also take the form of a picture of an appropriate product of yours used as illustration in the text.
The same can be done as to books where and when this might be appropriate in an article or where a list of additional reads could be given.
Please contact the Editor as to the possibilities here.
Guest Posts
We are also happy to take “guest posts” on relevant subjects, which may be used to promote you or your services or products, against a fee. You may use, in such an article, links to your site and/or product or service(s). Those posts will, however, be marked in such a ways as to make the reader aware that this is a promotional article.
Once again, please contact the Editor to discuss your requirements and suggestions.
General Advertising
If you are interested in advertising a product, service, etc., on the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW please email the Editor to discuss your requirements.
A number of different ads types and -styles are possible in this publication and the Editor will be happy to find the correct one, together with you.
A general idea of rates and charges are found below:
Link ads – those are simple links in sidebar - 2.50 GBP per week (min 6 months)
Picture link ads – those are picture banner ads in sidebar - 5.00 GBP per week (min 6 months)
Large banner ads - at the top of main body - 15.00 GBP per week
Banner ads at top of site - 45.00 GBP per week
Banner ads at bottom of site - 30.00 GBP per week
Embedded links – these are links within an article 30 GBP per insertion (if multiple insertions discount can be arranged). Those are the digital equivalent of a simple product placement.
NB. Those link ads will not be done retrospective, that is to say in articles already written. So, please don't ask as refusal often offends.
Product pictures with embedded links - these are pictures with links within an article and those are the more elaborate digital version of a product placement. The cost of those is 60 GBP per insertion.
Embedded ads – those are banners ads embedded in articles - 65.00 GBP each and every time used (billed by PayPal invoice).
Advertorial (aka Sponsored Review) - 150 GBP (if you provide copy, which we can amend to fit policy); 250 GBP if copy written by us.
The fees and costs for other forms of promotions and advertisements, as mentioned earlier, can be discussed and negotiated.
The main offices of the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW are in Epsom, Surrey, England.
If you have a "green" product of any kind that you would like us to review I would be honored to do so. The same applies for any book dealing with green and environmental issues, gardening, food growing, smallholding and homesteading, forestry and woodland, etc.
This is anything related to green living, green technology, etc., that is to say from gardening (tools, plants, seeds, etc.), things for the home, waste reduction, recycling, etc., to renewable energy gadgets, and so forth. If in doubt email me and we see whether your products fits into the remit of this publication.
So, if your company or client is eco-friendly, eco-conscious or “green” and has a product, service, event, or deal of the decade, that you want to share with our readers we thank you for thinking of us and we would be delighted to have a look at it.
Please email us with the following information:
- Client/company info
- Product(s) for review
- Promotion/event details
- Retail locations
- Minimum of two (2) hi res jpeg product photos and/or links to photos
Product samples are required for reviews – no sample, no review – and should be sent free of charge, and if sent from abroad, not marked with any monetary value as, otherwise, UK Customs & Excise will charge for it. The latter will cause us to refuse receipt of goods and they then will be returned by the carrier services to you – more than likely incurring you costs.
Please understand that sending samples does not guarantee a review favorable or otherwise. All reviews that are done, whether favorable or not, will be published. Product samples will not be returned and become the property of the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW, its editors or the reviewer.
The readers of this online publication range from the ordinary consumer interested in buying environmentally friendly products, to activists, homesteaders, gardeners, public bodies, news media, small and large companies and educational institutions.
We do not take any compensation for testing a product and writing a review, in return for being allowed to keep the product that has been reviewed free of charge.
Reviews will be honest, thorough, well-written, done, as far as possible, in a timely manner. Book reviews can take a while due to the fact that it is our belief that, in order to review a book, one has to read it thoroughly.
Any product or book reviewed by and for the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW becomes property of Tatchipen Media and/or the reviewer. After the review is completed, therefore, we will then be allowed to gift/sell/trade any such product if it should be so desired. All reviews will be published, negative or positive; I owe that to my readers and my own integrity.
We are also happy to help any company or individual designer, etc. with Beta-testing green products before they come to the market – against a fee – giving a report to the company or individual concerned, under the understanding that we will be the first to be able, after, to review the product immediately after or just prior the official launch.
Giveaways are not required to accompany a review, but they are an excellent way to promote your product/company. To enter giveaways, readers will be asked to visit your website, "like" you on Facebook, Tweet, subscribe to newsletters, and/or blog about your company/product. These are all great ways to generate traffic on your site and increase your following. Giveaways typically run for a fortnight but can run longer, depending on the requirement of the client. Giveaways are the electronic online equivalents of the old cover mounts or other print magazine promotions.
A giveaway could be a physical product or promotional code. If you are giving away a product, the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW will collect mailing information from the winner and pass it on to you, and you will be responsible for shipping the prize. If you are giving away a promotional code, the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW will provide you with the winner's email address in order to send them the code.
General giveaways will be chargeable at a rate to be discussed as they are, after all, a means of promotion and advertising for your company and your product(s).
During the duration of the giveaway I would be happy to place your company's “button”, a small picture click-though link in the sidebar of the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW with no additional charge.
We shall be happy to let you have up-to-date stats for the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW, e.g. monthly unique visitors numbers and page views, Blog followers, Facebook followers, Twitter followers, etc. upon request.
If you have a product you feel would be appropriate for the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW, please email the Editor at

This is another way to generate traffic for your website and interest in your company and we are also happy to host those.
As an example, if you are a seed company, or you have a seed company as a client, and you might wish us to do a promotion of some seeds for this or that vegetable range, and we would place a button in the sidebar. This would be a picture, say, of the seed packet with a link to the website where the readers can order then a sample for FREE or be able to buy at a reduced rate against a promotional code that they will quote and which will be under the picture link.
We would be most happy to discuss those possibilities and, as in all cases, come to an arrangement as to fees and costs.
If you have a product you feel would be appropriate to be promoted in such a way in the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW, please email the Editor at

Product “Placements”
The term “product placement” here is a form of an embedded advert that is of a smaller and more subtle nature than that of a more or less blatant one within an article which, also, does have to be marked, theoretically, as one.
A product placement can be a simple link to the mentioned product within an article such as, for instance, if one would have an article about potato growing and -harvesting and would link to tools appropriate for this. The placement can also take the form of a picture of an appropriate product of yours used as illustration in the text.
The same can be done as to books where and when this might be appropriate in an article or where a list of additional reads could be given.
Please contact the Editor as to the possibilities here.
Guest Posts
We are also happy to take “guest posts” on relevant subjects, which may be used to promote you or your services or products, against a fee. You may use, in such an article, links to your site and/or product or service(s). Those posts will, however, be marked in such a ways as to make the reader aware that this is a promotional article.
Once again, please contact the Editor to discuss your requirements and suggestions.
General Advertising
If you are interested in advertising a product, service, etc., on the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW please email the Editor to discuss your requirements.
A number of different ads types and -styles are possible in this publication and the Editor will be happy to find the correct one, together with you.
A general idea of rates and charges are found below:
Link ads – those are simple links in sidebar - 2.50 GBP per week (min 6 months)
Picture link ads – those are picture banner ads in sidebar - 5.00 GBP per week (min 6 months)
Large banner ads - at the top of main body - 15.00 GBP per week
Banner ads at top of site - 45.00 GBP per week
Banner ads at bottom of site - 30.00 GBP per week
Embedded links – these are links within an article 30 GBP per insertion (if multiple insertions discount can be arranged). Those are the digital equivalent of a simple product placement.
NB. Those link ads will not be done retrospective, that is to say in articles already written. So, please don't ask as refusal often offends.
Product pictures with embedded links - these are pictures with links within an article and those are the more elaborate digital version of a product placement. The cost of those is 60 GBP per insertion.
Embedded ads – those are banners ads embedded in articles - 65.00 GBP each and every time used (billed by PayPal invoice).
Advertorial (aka Sponsored Review) - 150 GBP (if you provide copy, which we can amend to fit policy); 250 GBP if copy written by us.
The fees and costs for other forms of promotions and advertisements, as mentioned earlier, can be discussed and negotiated.
The main offices of the GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW are in Epsom, Surrey, England.