NLWA has been at the Edible Garden Show 2014

by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

north-london-food-lovers'-cookbookNorth London Waste Authority has be attending the Edible Garden Show on the weekend of 28 to 30 March 2014 and this is where I met them on Friday, March 28.

The Edible Garden Show, the award-winning ‘grow your own’ event has been taking place this year at Haringey’s iconic Alexandra Palace, and I had forgotten what a great venue this is, and it brought together a host of gardening and cookery experts, demonstrations and exhibits to show how easy it is to achieve a sustainable lifestyle by growing and cooking your own produce.

This was the first year that the Edible Garden Show was, actually in the London area, having previously been at the Stoneleigh showground in Warwickshire, not a location that has been easily to reach for anyone not using or wanting to use a car.

NLWA has been joining chefs Phil Vickery and Rachel Green, gardening expert Pippa Greenwood, and exhibitors from the National Vegetable Society, among many others, at the show, where they have been sharing a stand with their wholly owned company, LondonWaste Ltd.

NLWA has been showing visitors to the how easy it is to Wise Up To Waste and deal with their food waste better – from preventing food waste, to recycling and composting it. Information about where to get hold of LondonWaste Ltd compost was available and NLWA’s waste prevention advisers were on hand to give advice about reducing one's food waste.

Far too much food is being wasted in our homes, and not our homes alone, and many people, and hence the waste, nowadays, do not know all too often how to actually cook a mean from scratch and especially not from leftovers, unlike our grandparents and their parents did. A remedy for this is at hand though by way of the “North London Food Lovers' Cookbook” which is available to download at their website and by entering the NLWA's food waste challenge as a reward for participating.

Being a zero waste (and this means zero waste not just zero waste to landfill as our governments so often talk about when they use the term “zero waste”) advocate and a reuse consultant I must say that this book is a real good resource and has given even me some extra recipes for using up possible leftovers.

Check out their website at

LondonWaste Ltd can be found on

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