10 percent by 2010?

Not for Parliament though.

by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

London, October 21, 2009: In a vote in the Houses of Parliament this evening the motion for parliament to sign up to the 10:10 campaign was defeated by 297 to 226.

This shows, once again, and it also became obvious from contacting some Members of Parliament, as to how far removed and remote those there in those Ivory Towers of Westminster are from their constituents.

Tens of thousands of people of this country emailed and otherwise contacted their respective MP to ask them to vote for this cause but, as one can see, they have a different agenda and could not care what their residents are concerned about. Or should one check were some of their funds are coming from?

While I hope and trust that British politicians are less tainted than their North American cousins, the latter who, because of whence their funding comes from, are so opposed to any changes in the heath care provisions in the USA, there might also here, in this case, be some lobbying funds that may have been a influencing vote changer.

Maybe we the people let our representatives know that they are just thus, namely our representatives and they are there to do our bidding. Time a number of them learned that fact.

© 2009
