How much food can you grow in six foot?

Growing ladders are simple, effective way of growing more in a small space.

How much food can you grow in six by three foot (two by one metres)?

After growing £900 of food in a year on my London balcony and £548 in six months in my Newcastle concrete backyard, I’m intrigued to find out.

I’ve built two growing ladders (see picture above), which enable me to have three or four times the number of containers in the same space. If you’re not in a position to make your own, they can be bought – search for ‘allotment ladders’ or ‘plant theatres’.

Starting on 1 April 2017 I’ll be weighing the harvests and working out how much they’d cost if bought from the shops.

No space to grow?

I hope to highlight that, even if you don’t have a garden, you can still grow lots of food…. as long as you can find a small piece of concrete, that gets a few hours sun.

If you don’t have a balcony, patio, roof terrace or any other outdoor space at home, you might be able to find another space to grow. Perhaps at work (grow salad with your colleagues?), with a neighbour (I’ve grown in my neighbours front yard), or in a community space near you (like a church).

Read more here.