Being Frugal... Now an Unpatriotic Activity

by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

It is now considered unpatriotic now to save and to be frugal. That is the latest that we are hearing from the government in Whitehall and in Washington DC.

It would appear from what has been said in DC that people adhering to a frugal lifestyle could be regarded as engaging in Un-American activity and this all because they think that people going out and spending, spending and spending will get us all out of the depressions that the powers that be have gotten us into. No way, Jose.

For years they have complained, at least in Britain, that the people were not saving enough – not enough in the coffers of the banks hence – and we were being told to be a little more frugal and reduce our consumerist attitude and now; the opposite.

In some quarters it has even been mooted that people who save and who are living a deliberate frugal and thrifty lifestyle could be regarded as terrorists.

Now in Germany that certainly would not be a problem for it would appear that the entire population, from baby to centenarian are considered now terrorists until proven otherwise, or so it at least would appear from what we have seen as to the retention of all emails, phone calls, etc.

Oh, but I digressed...

So, now those that save, scrimp and live frugally and those that upcycle rather than buy new are also in that same category, that is to say, they are seen as unpatriotic and even as domestic terrorists as they do not help the economy to recover. Help the economy with what? If you are poor that's why you scrimp and save, you have n o money to help the economy.

But, alas, it appears that is is not the bankers' fault after all that the economy went south but the fault of all of those that are not spending for the sake of it to “help the economy”. What a world, eh?

© 2009