by Michael Smith (Veshengro)
If you would pass a filling station selling gasoline for just 66pence a liter you would stop and buy some – in fact you would be filling your tank – wouldn't you?
That may just sound too good to be true but if you are driving alone to work there is a way to halve you fuel costs while helping to protect the environment – by sharing your journey with others also going to work along the way.
From October 6 to October 10 it is National Liftshare Week so it's a great time to give liftsharing a try.
Find out how you can reduce your travel costs and your environmental footprint by joining the Liftshare Network for free at
You don't even have to have a car to get involved – plenty of existing members are drivers looking for someone to share the costs with.
The typical commuter who liftshares every day saves around £1,000 a year, so why not get involved and see how much you could save.
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