UK Climate Research Center hack and possible fallout

by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

It is now being claimed by the Climate Change cum Global Warming lobby that the hackers have manipulated the emails and other data prior to putting them onto the Net.

Hang on a second here!

The hack was Thursday, November 19, 2009 and virtually a few hours later the material was made available by the hackers in .zip format online. Let's get serious here and back to reality. There was no time, unless there were hundreds of hackers, to manipulate any such data in any credible way in that short space of time.

It would appear from the material that some fraud as to global warming claims may be committed so that universities and scientists can get grants and other funding for their research.

Maybe the Australian university that stated that the temperatures have plateaued out about seven to eight years ago and have not risen by even the smallest fraction since that time may be right after all.

This could also very much mean that other findings and theories could be right and we could be headed now for some colder weather, a mini ice age, as some see it even. Just when the British vineyards thought that they would be able to produce Mediterranean quality wines.

While, as I keep saying, the climate may indeed be changing around the globe, it may not be anything that is entirely caused by human activity.

I am not saying that we do not have a lot to answer for. We have! We have done a great deal of damage to our Planet and, alas, are still doing it, and some of it may even be irreparable. Much of the damage, however, can be dealt with for we have the knowledge and the technology to do so. Just the will seems lacking.

So far all the “information” that we are working with as regards to Climate Change and rising global temperatures are nothing but predictions, more often than not from computer models which work on the GIGO system. GIGO, by the way, stands for “garbage in, garbage out”.

It is rather obvious that the temperatures in many places have rise. The ice in the northern polar region is melting as is some Antarctic ice. On other place, though, new ice is being formed and piled up at rather a rate of knots. The melt, where is it happening will continue even if, as the Australian university has claimed, the temperatures have plateaued out and have not risen since, as it is simply warmer than it was before.

October 2009, however, has in the USA been one of the coldest and wettest nigh on ever recorded. Denver ,CO was locked down with snow and ice more than once, for instance, during that month.

November 2009 brought devastating floods caused by heavy and continuous rain to parts of the UK.

Summer 2009 in the UK, far from the predicted – I guess by the same people who have had their emails and such pinched – annual increase in summer temperatures (and I am glad they have been wrong) was rather cool on the whole though dry, with only a day or two ever getting a little into the 30deg C range.

The 2009 summer in Britain was definitely a case that if you blinked you'd missed it.

But, claim the researchers (yes, the ones with the stolen emails), this is just one of the exceptions. Well, they also did forecast a barbecue summer.

Climate change models are just that, models; models created by computers on the GIGO system. The Earth does not work that way and every time that we think that we have worked finally Her out She does something totally unexpected. That's women for you!

Right, back to the hacked data and I have managed to have a look at some of the stuff thanks to the services that have made the materials available online.

For sure, it would appear, there have been a lot of shenanigans going and probably are still going on and some of the material does prove that climate and environmental scientists who publicly took a stand against the “global warming cause by man” agenda and mantra, like Prof. David Bellamy, although he is not, it seems, directly referred to in any of the documents, were effectively silenced and could no longer publish any of their works.

The question that we must, I think, ask is why an d what really is going on and also who is behind this all. What is driving the scientists to do what the did and do?

How far are governments and the United Nations and whatever kind of other entities behind some of those lies and falsehoods being perpetrated and perpetuated is also a question that we ask and to which we much get an answer.

I say again that, yes, the Planet's climate seems to be going through some major changes and while some of those may have been accelerated and made worse by human actions most may be something that Mother Nature does every now and then.

Greenland was once, as the name suggests, green and covered in trees. Then came the ice and now the melting glaciers lay bare the proof of the vast forests that once covered that island. It will take a long time before Greenland would ever look like that again and I doubt that it will happen this time round.

The fact remains that during the settlement of the island by the Vikings, a little over a thousand years ago, Greenland was, as the name given it, green, and there were sweet red grapes in Vinland, which is now Labrador/Newfoundland and part of Canada and has no sweet juicy grapes as it is too cold.

Within a century or so it all changed and ice began to cover Greenland, causing the Vikings to abandon their settlements and the island, retreating south.

Was that warm period before under which Greenland was green and the cold period after a result of human activities? I seriously doubt it.

However, human activities are to blame for much of the environmental devastation caused all around the globe, from the continuous encroachment of the deserts in Africa (and elsewhere) due to the deforestation, over-extraction of water from aquifers and in fact farming the wrong things in the wrong places, as well as overgrazing, to the garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean and all things in between.

Those are things that we must concentrate on if we want to have and keep a Planet that can sustain life.

We have only one Earth but we behave as if we have many, many more that that one the way we consume and exploit Her resources and that must stop, and stop now.

The issue as to why we are being topld that Climate Change is primarily caused by human activity is a question that requires serious though and questioning of especially our politicians.

Instead of a police investigation being launched against and in order to find the hacker or hackers who managed to hack into the Climate Research Center's servers serious criminal investigations should be launched against those that seem to be falsifying data to make it fit their theories.

Yes, the Planet's climate seems to be a-changing but we have to begin to really consider who is telling us the truth as to what is causing it and why they might wish to lie to us.

© 2009
