by Michael Smith (Veshengro)When “The Green Thing” started the “Glove Love” project – though I do not think that they should be able to claim that it is entirely their idea – matching orphaned single gloves with one another no one thought that this might go over to other items too.
The truth is that others have been doing this matching of orphaned single gloves before they ever existed, like yours truly, however not on a commercial basis.
Now “The Green Thing” is intending to take this matching of two unmatched halves further and ear rings are on the list now. This certainly is a cute idea and certainly those ear hangings will make conversation pieces in that they are not a pair.
I something like that myself, though not with ear rings; I don't tend to wear any, but with cuff links. I found two that are similar but not a proper pair and it is quite fun to wear them and to get into discussions with people about the fact that they are not a “proper” pair. As far as I am concerned, I do not care that they are not matched; and they cost me nothing.
Another suggestion of “The Green Thing”, was, I believe, matching up orphaned socks but that is where I would, personally, draw the line.
While I am happy to wear secondhand, more than happy in fact, this does not extent to underwear or socks. This was one issue that I had with military issue in the older days in that it was obvious that underwear and socks that were issues were not, always, new. A reason why many soldiers insisted in buying their own rather than accept those items on issue.
Orphaned socks, when washed, can make great cleaning rags for car and bicycle, and such, and also be used as dusters at home.
As to other unmatched halves; I am sure people will come up with uses.
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