By bringing the soil up to counter height, you make tasks like weeding and harvesting simpler.
Raised beds make tasks like weeding or harvesting simpler. But Jerry Finkelstein in upstate New York too the idea to new heights by raising already raised beds 3 feet to countertop level. Each bed is 4-feet wide by 16-feet long, with the vegetables growing at a height that eliminates stooping. “From any point in the garden, I am no more than 2 feet from a vegetable." he says. "Each bed is 4 feet wide, but I can walk around it.”
Essentially, it is container gardening on a grand scale. He fills the beds, which hold about 10 inches of soil, with local topsoil and adds composted manure from nearby farms, and he continues to do so periodically.
Four double doors mean easy access to bring in compost and soil and to take out the harvest and garden debris at season’s end. “The system is tailor-made for seniors or people with disabilities—easy access with no bending—but it is great for everyone,” says Finkelstein. “I made it that way so no matter how old I get, I can still garden.”
Read more here.