Recycled Plastics Make Environmental Sense

ROCHESTER, MI, June 2010: A new Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) study indicates that significant reductions in energy consumption, solid waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved by aggressively recycling two of the most common plastics used for beverage and many household bottles: PET and HDPE. Franklin Associates, a respected life cycle assessment firm, performed the research. The study took a cradle-to-grave approach, scrutinizing the steps from raw material extraction through recycling and disposal.

According to Bob Lilienfeld, Editor of The ULS Report and an acknowledged expert on waste prevention, “This study gives scientific credence to the widely held belief that it’s better to recycle these types of plastics than to send them to landfills.

It’s a call to action for consumers, businesses, and municipalities.” He added that, “The best way to reinforce the value of plastics recycling is for consumers to experience and use products made from recycled resins. Businesses should highlight this use on their products and packaging.”

The ULS (Use Less Stuff) Report is published monthly. The ULS web site is rated #1 by Google, Yahoo! and MSN for searches relating to waste prevention and source reduction. The full study described above is available at

Source: Use Less Stuff