by Michael Smith (Veshengro)
On Saturday, June 13, 2009, Sustrans are putting on a mini bike festival for all the Mums who have completed a unique Sustrans course to get parents back on their bikes. It will also mark the beginning of a term full of activities and events helping promote cycling to the whole family.
It will take place at Cubitt Town Primary School, on the Isle of Dogs, from 10.00am onwards. The school is located at Glengall Grove, Manchester Road, London, E14 9NE.
Sustrans, the UK ’s leading sustainable transport charity have a history of working with schools to promote cycling through their ground breaking Bike It project. This unique project works with over 400 schools and around 89,000 children across the country.
Saturday's celebration marks a new angle to the project as Sustrans aims to promote cycling to Mums. The project is part of a bigger campaign being spearheaded by Sustrans to get more women cycling. A BMRB survey commissioned by Sustrans earlier this year showed that 82 per cent of women in London never cycle at all. Sustrans’ campaign includes the brand new website offering advice and support to encourage women onto their bikes.Bike It Officer for Tower Hamlets James Scott has been offering training to Mums at one of his Bike It schools where he has already been working with the pupils.
James said: “I have been working with 3000 pupils across the Borough of Tower Hamlets and I was beginning to get parents telling me they wanted to start cycling again but just didn’t have the confidence. In response to that, myself and Sam Margolis the Active Travel Officer at Tower Hamlets Council started a cycle project for mums. So far I have had 16 women attend a 6 week training course that has given the confidence and skills they need to get cycling again. It has been so successful that two of the Mums are going onto become cycling instructors.”
One of the Mums who took part, Amina Saadani said: “I want to learn more, so I don’t feel scared. I want to be with my kids. The more people who ride the better, the safer it will be. I was never interested in cycling because my sister used to come home covered in bruises, but now I want to do it; I felt I was missing something.”
In addition to cycle training for mums, Sustrans will also be promoting cycling to the whole family with a special Saturday bike session. James along with Bikeworks, the local cycle provider will be organizing cycle training for the whole family and leading family rides around some of the fantastic safe bike routes around the Isle of Dogs.
There are 10 schools in the Borough of Tower Hamlets that are taking part in the Sustrans Bike It project. Bike It is a nationwide scheme, managed by sustainable transport charity Sustrans. Nationally the project is funded by Cycling England, and the cycle industry through the Bike Hub, locally Bike It is funded by Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust.
© 2009