Make Your Own Laundry Detergent

Make your own laundry detergent, and enjoy clean clothes for less.

You will need:
  • Borax
  • Washing Soda
  • Fels Naptha Soap
To make your own laundry detergent mix together two parts Borax, two parts Washing Soda and one part grated Fels-Naptha soap. You can make as much or as little as you'd like, therefore I have not given any amounts here.

Use up to three level tablespoons per wash load of this homemade laundry detergent.

The rest store in a lidded container, well out of the reach of children and pets.

Be sure to label your detergent container, so others will know what's inside. Include a list of the ingredients as an added safety measure.

Zote, Ivory or castile soap can be used in place of Fels-Naptha.

Michael Smith (Veshengro), 2009